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Annual Awards for the Best Original Publications

At the meeting of 11 March 2005, it was approved to announce the annual awards for the best original publications of the year in the field of sleep medicine and research into sleep and its disorders in two categories.


  • 01 Award for the best original work by a first author up to 35 years of age including fully paid-up members of the Society in the year of publication.
  • 02 Award for best original work (where the first or last author is a fully paid-up member of the Society).

Application Deadline

The application deadline is always 30 June of the following year. Papers are sent for confirmation to the Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson of the Society. Entries are evaluated by the Society Committee. The award is accompanied by a prize of CZK 20,000.


  • Year
  • Author up to 35 years of age
  • Author of unlimited age


  • Nepožitek J, Dostálová S, Věchetová G, Sieger T, Forejtová Z, Nováková L, Galušková K, Milata M, Varga Z, Tanaka H, Růžička E, Šonka K, Edwards M, Serranová T. Sleepiness and comorbid sleep disorders in functional motor disorders: a comparative study with central hypersomnia. J Sleep Res. 2023 Nov 15:e14098. doi: 10.1111/jsr.14098.
  • Knížek Z, Kotulek M, Brothánková P, Pecháčková E, Klail P, Kostlivý T, Vodička J. Outcome of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Adherence Based on Nasal Endoscopy and the Measurement of Nasal Patency—A Prospective Study. Life. 2023; 13(1):219.


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  • Bušková J, et al.: Self-reported symptoms and objectivemeasures in idiopathic hypersomnia and hypersomnia associated with psychiatric dirorders:a prospectivecorss-sectional study. J Clin Sleep Med, 2022 Mar 1;18(3):713-720.


  • Monika Kliková: Objective rapid eye movement sleep characteristics of recurrent isolated sleep paralysis: a case–control studySLEEPJ, 2021, 1–7.
  • Sona Nevsimalova, Marek Susta, Iva Prihodova, Eszter Maurovich Horvat, Martin Milata, Karel Sonka Idiopathic hypersomnia: a homogeneous or heterogeneous disease? Sleep Med,2021 Apr;80:86-91.


  • Daniela Dudysová: The Effects of Daytime Psilocybin Administration on Sleep: Implications for Antidepressant Action, Frontiers.
  • Iva Příhodová: Subjective and polysomnographic evaluation of sleep in mitochondrial optic neuropathies, J Sleep Res.


  • Nepožitek J, Unalp C, Dostálová S, Příhodová I, Ibarburu Lorenzo y Losada V, Dušek P, et al.: Profil behaviorálních projevů idiopatické poruchy chování v REM spánku. Česká a slovenská neurologie a neurochirurgie.
  • Novák V: Generalized quasiperiodic epileptiform activity in sleep is associated with cognitive impairment in children with drug?resistant focal lesional epilepsy, Epilepsia, 2019.


  • Kamila Weissová, Circadian rhythms of melatonin and peripheral clock gene expression in idiopathic REM sleep behavior disorder, Sleep Medicine 2018.
  • Iva Prihodova, Childhood narcolepsy and autism spectrum disorders: four case reports, Sleep Medicine 51/2018.


  • Kovalska P, Kemlink D, Topinkova E, Nevsimalova S, Maurovich Horvat E, Sonka K. Higher body mass index in narcolepsy with cataplexy: lifelong Experience - Letter to the Editor. Sleep Medicine 2017.
  • Ludka O, Stepanova R, Sert-Kuniyoshi F, Spinar J, Somers VK, Kara T. Differential likelihood of NSTEMI vs STEMI in patients with sleep apnea. Int J Cardiol 2017.


  • Petra Kovalská a kol: Narcolepsy with cataplexy in patients aged over 60 years: a case-control study, Sleep Medicine.
  • Ivan Čundrle a kol: The utility of perioperative polygraphy in the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea, Sleep Medicine.


  • Čundrle a spol: Excercise End-Tidal CO2 Predicts Central Sleep Apnea in Patients With Hearth Failure. CHEST 2015, 147(/6): 1566-1573.
  • Šonka a spol: Narcolepsy with and without cataplexy, idiopatic hypersomnia with and without long sleep time: a cluster analysis. Sleep Medicine 16 (2015), 225-231.


  • Juraj Pisko, Lukas Pastorek, Jitka Buskova, Karel Sonka, Sona Nevsimalova: Nightmares in narcolepsy: underinvestigated symptom?
  • Ondrej Ludka, Radka Stepanova, Martina Vyskocilova, Lujza Galkova, Monika Mikolaskova, Milos Belehrad, Jana Kostalova, Zuzana Mihalova, Adela Drozdova, Jiri Hlasensky, Michal Gacik, Lucie Pudilova, Tereza Mikusova, Blanka Fischerova, Fatima Sert-Kiniyoshi, Virend K. Somers, Jindrich Spinar, Tomas Kara: Sleep apnea prevalence in acute myocardial infarction – The Sleep Apnea in Post-acute Myocardial Infrction Patients (SAPAMI) Study


  • Eszter Maurovich-Horvat a kol: Narcolepsy and pregnancy: a retrospective European evaluation of 249 pregnancies. J Sleep Res. (2013) 22, 496-512.
  • Sona Nevsimalova: Childhood parasomnia – A disorder of sleep maturation?. European Journal of Pediatric Neurology 17 (2013) 6154-619.


  • J. Vavrova, D. Kemlink, K. Šonka, E. Havrdova, D. Horakova, B. Pardini, B. Muller-Myhsok, J. Winkelmann: Restless legs syndrome in Czech patients with multiple sclerosis: An epidemiological and genetic study.
  • Simona Dostalova, Marek Šusta, Tereza Vorlova, Karel Šonka: Sleepiness in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea – daytime course and impact of nocturnal respiratory events.


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  • S. Nevsimalova, J. Buskova, R. Bruha, D. Kemlink, K. Sonka, L. Vitek and Z. Marecek Sleep disorders in Wilson´s dinase. European Journal of Neurology 2011, 18: 184–190


  • Maurovich Horvat E, Tormášiová M, Slonková J, Kemlink D, Maurovich Horvat L, Pretl M, Nevšímalová S, Šonka K. Assessment of pregnancy outcomes in Czech and Slovak women with narcolepsy. Med Sci Monit 2010;16:SR35-40.
  • Prihodova I, Paclt I, Kemlink D, Skibova J, Ptacek R, Nevsimalova S. Sleep disorders and daytime sleepiness in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a two-night polysomnographic study with a multiple sleep latency test. Sleep Med 2010;11:922-928.


  • Kemlink D, Polo O, Frauscher B, Gschlieser V, Högl B, Poewe W, Vodicka P, Vavrova, J, Sonka K, Nevsimalova S, Schormair B, Lichtner P, Silander K, Peltonen L, Gieger C, Wichmann HE, Zimprich A, Roeske D, Müller-Myhsok B, Meitinger T, Winkelmann J. Replication of Restless Legs Syndrome Loci in Three European Populations. J Med Genet 2009;46:315-8.
  • Nevsimalova S, Buskova J, Kemlink D, Sonka K, Skibova J. Does age at the onset of narcolepsy influence the course and severity of the disease? Sleep Med 2009;10:967-972.


  • Schormair B, Kemlink D, Roeske D, Eckstein G, Xiong L, Lichtner P, Ripke S, Trenkwalder C, Zimprich A, Stiasny-Kolster K, Oertel W, Bachmann CG, Paulus W, Högl B, Frauscher B, Gschliesser V, Poewe W, Peglau I, Vodicka P, Vavrová J, Sonka K, Nevsimalova S, Montplaisir J, Turecki G, Rouleau G, Gieger C, Illig T, Wichmann HE, Holsboer F, Müller-Myhsok B, Meitinger T, Winkelmann J. PTPRD (protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type delta) is associated with restless legs syndrome. Nat Genet 2008;40(8):946-948 (poznámka první dva autoři přispěli vzniku publikace stejnou měrou).
  • Šonka K, Fialová L, Volná J, Jiroutek P, Vávrová J, Kemlink D, Pretl M, Kalousová M. Advanced oxidation protein products in obstructive sleep apnea. Prague Med Rep 2008;109:159-165.


  • Kemlink D, Polo O, Montagna P, Provini F, Stiasny-Kolster K, Oertel W, de Weerd A, Nevsimalova S, Sonka K, Hogl B, Frauscher B, Poewe W, Trenkwalder C, Pramstaller PP, Ferini-Strambi L, Zucconi M, Konofal E, Arnulf I, Hadjigeorgiou GM, Happe S, Klein C, Hiller A, Lichtner P, Meitinger T, Muller-Myshok B, Winkelmann J. Family-based association study of the restless legs syndrome loci 2 and 3 in a European population. Mov Disord. 2007;22:207-212.
  • Klozar, Plzák, Zábrodský Betka: Effectiveness and side-effects of one stage LAUP in primary rhonchopathy. ORL 2007;69:316-321.


  • Buskova J, Vaneckova M, Sonka K, Seidl Z, Nevsimalova S. Reduced hypothalamic gray matter in narcolepsy with cataplexy. Neuro Endocrinol Lett 2006;27(6):769-772. IF: 0,925
  • Šonka K, Kemlink D, Pretl M. Cataplexy treated with escitalopram - clinical experience. Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2006;27(1-2):174-176. IF: 0,925


  • Kemlink D, Pretl M, Kelemen J, Šonka K, Nevšímalová S. Periodické pohyby končetinami ve spánku a jejich vyšetřování pomocí polygrafie a aktigrafie. Čas Lék čes 2005;144:689-691.


  • Klozar J, Plzák J. Laserová uvuloplastika v léčbě primární ronchopatie. Otorhinolaryngologie a foniatrie 2004;53:200-204.
  • Šonka K, Fiksa J, Horváth E, Kemlink D, Sussová J, Bohm J, Šebesta V, Volná J, Nevšímalová S. Sleep and fasciculations in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Somnologie 2004;8:25-30.