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Knowledge Examinations

Theoretical Examination
Practical Examination
Polygraphy / Polysomnography Practical Examination


Accreditation Courses

Sleep Medicine for Doctors Course
Sleep Medicine for Sleep Technicians Course


Centres for Sleep Medicine

Since 2021, new accreditations have divided workplaces into three new categories: Type I, Type II and Type III.

We strive to support and coordinate the development of all forms of care for patients with sleep-wake disorders and promotes the improvement of health care for such patients.
  • We advocate the development of their optimal treatment
  • We support scientific activities and research into sleep and wakefulness
  • We perform research and scientific activities
  • We participate in expert activities
  • We participate in education in the field of sleep medicine
  • We represent the interests of our members
  • We defend the interests of sleep workers
  • We cooperate with partner organizations and institutions
  • We operate in the Czech Republic and in international organizations, such as the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS)

We participate in the creation of sleep medicine guidelines.

In an effort to ensure good quality care for patients with sleep disorders, we have been accrediting workplaces diagnosing and treating sleep and waking disorders since 2005 in accordance with ESRS recommendations.

Membership fees 2023

The membership fee is paid for one year, and is always due no later than 31st March.

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Support for ČSVSSM publications

The deadline for applications for the best publication awards for year 2022 is 30 June 2023.

Send applications by e-mail to Mrs. Mrázková: sarka.mrazkova@can21.cz

Preferential vaccination in patients with sleep-disordered breathing

The ČSVSSM follows the methodological instruction of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic issued on 24/03/2021, according to which it is possible to indicate for priority vaccination patients with dg: sleep-disordered breathing and/or respiratory insufficiency from extrapulmonary causes...

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