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Photo: FN Brno
The Society strives to support and coordinate the development of all forms of care for patients with sleep-wake disorders and promotes the improvement of health care for these patients. It defends the interests of sleep workers professionally, legally, and economically. It supports scientific activities and research into sleep and wakefulness, their disorders and the treatment of these disorders, and advocates the development of their optimal treatment. It performs research and scientific activities. It performs expert activities. It represents the interests of its members against state administration bodies at all levels. It secures and carries out economic activities.
Sleep medicine based on Prof. B. Roth, DSc. has a long tradition in our country. Sleep laboratory established at the Department of Neurology in Prague in the early 1960s was the first polysomnographic lab in Central Europe. The evolution of multidisciplinary approaches in the late decades enabled extension of diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities and led to the establishment of independent Sleep Society in 2021.
To achieve its goals, the Society cooperates with humanitarian organizations, with partner organizations and institutions focusing on sleep disorders and the physiology of sleep and wakefulness. In cooperation with professional institutions, it participates in education and expert activities in the field of sleep medicine.
It coordinates its initiatives with the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS).